Stuck in a rut?

by | Aug 6, 2021 | Confidence, Live Inspired, Positive Thoughts

Most of us run on remote control, shuffling the kids to and from, rushing to work, checking emails, attending meetings, and feeling exhausted when we return home.

No time for those dreams. Do you remember what they were?  I’m talking about those dreams you had when you were full of spit and fire. 

How would it feel to get off of life’s roller coaster?  To open that business, stay at home, be respected in your field, looked up to for your abilities, appreciated for your accomplishments, live life with purpose, and yes even have time and financial freedom?

You spend the best part of your day at work so shouldn’t it be enjoyable? Don’t you deserve to be doing something that is meaningful and purposeful to you?

Let’s Create A Vision.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Think about your life as it is right now. Look into the next 20 years. 

What do you see? 

Is this what you want? 

Is this what you envisioned for your life?


Let’s try it again. Close your eyes and take another deep breath.  Let your mind wander.

Imagine you are free to do anything you wish. There are no obstacles.  Nothing to hold you back.

Where are you?

What are you doing? 

What does this feel like?

Are living your dream?


You have the POWER to PURSUE your dreams. Your abilities are limitless but your fear puts boundaries on you. 

As a career strategist, I have seen it time and time again. But I am here to help you. To show you that you have the power to stop living in a world that is dictated by fear of failure. 


You CAN pursue your POWER TO PROFITS.

I’m giving you a free 3 step process for you to practice everyday to help you begin to place your dreams into reality


Step 1. Reverse Engineering. 

You begin with the end in mind.  I will help you define the big picture.  Determine your vision and find your purpose.

This journey takes energy, strength, and determination.

I know because I have been in your shoes.  As I was striving to reach my dreams, I was inundated with a job, school, a single parent of two and financial stress.

But I am going to give you something to help keep you focused at the end of this article. So hang on.


Step 2. Prioritize

In the natural progression of adult life everyone is screaming for your attention. At the office, at home,  in the community, so you have to prioritize or you will find that nothing will be accomplished.

Have plan. Develop a realistic timeline and break it into time blocks.

I will give an example but you must realize your time block may differ depending on the career you choose.


Step 3. DO NOT SKIP this activity. 

You need to define what you accomplished that pushed closer to the goal, what you could have done differently, and what you need to change.  


As you get in the habit of following these steps daily you will find patterns in your life that obstruct you from reaching your goals and patterns that will enhance your future success. 


Want to take the next steps and uplevel your vision for life?

Take a look at my bundle – Design Your Ideal Life.

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Hello there, I´m Jan!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I share resources to help you build confidence, love your skin, focus on positive thoughts, and live life inspired. I believe in sharing straightforward, practical advice to help you reach your goals. Look around and enjoy your time here!


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